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Days of Exposure Webinar

Days of exposure is a term that Gary Sanders coined to evaluate how vulnerable a utility is to potential bad debt and write-offs. Days of Exposure is the total number of days of service a customer owes your utility for if they are disconnected for non-payment and move away without paying.


The more risk you have of the customer’s security deposit not covering their final bill, the higher your Days of Exposure.

In this first of four webinars, participants will have the opportunity to calculate their utility’s Days of Exposure. Gary will then discuss strategies and answer questions about how to reduce your Days of Exposure.
In the second webinar in the series, we will take this to the next step and use your Days of Exposure in a calculation to determine how much you could potentially have to write-off for an average customer who skips out.

Watch The Recorded Webinar Today!

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Seasoned Expert Gary Sanders

Gary's 40+ years of experience in the industry has granted him valuable knowledge for any billing entity. With the wealth of his knowledge, he now offers insightful knowledge for other in the Utility Billing Industry. Gary has hosted his own blog for the past ten years. Some of his more notable credentials is that he has designed, built, implemented, and supported both ERPs and Utility Billing systems.